Dressing-up Fido and Friends
Halloween was a success….. as far as pet costumes go that is! If you read Friendship’s blog from yesterday, “Trick-or-Treat Fido Has Come to Eat,” then you would have read about the significant and steady increase in the pet population that partakes in dressing-up in a Halloween costume. Over the past twelve years, the National Retail Federation (NRF) states that the Halloween pet costume industry has become a $350 million dollar industry! Where 28.6 million people dress-up their furry companion.
The most popular pet costume this year was predicted to be dressing-up like a pumpkin. We received a few of those submissions! Also submitted, was a lion, predicted to be the #3 pet costume; a bumblebee, which took the #4 spot; and finally a devil, which was #5 on the pet costume prediction list.
Friendship Hospital for Animals hopes you enjoy seeing pictures of “Fido and Friends” dressing-up for Halloween this year!
The Pumpkins

The Lion

The Lone Bumblebee

The Vampire (…. not quite a devil, but pretty close)

And Friends

Sources Cited:
*All images courtesy of Friendship Hospital for Animals.